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Heaven Behind the Door


Choreography & Scenographic Concept:Chloe Wong

編舞及場景概念 : 黃靜婷 


Dancer:Li Lu, Kenneth Sze, KT Yau, Chloe Wong 

舞者 : 李露、施卓然、邱加希、黃靜婷


Composer : Moon Yip 

作曲 : 葉卓棠 


Date 日期 :13- 16/ 03/ 2014

Duration 長度:30 minute

Venue 地點:Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心劇場

Heaven Behind the Door was commissioned and produced by the 42nd Hong Kong Arts Festival and was premiered at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 2014. 


《人間‧獨‧白》由香港藝術節委約,首演於香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台2014 發表。


Heaven Behind the Door combines Dance, Text, and Projection for a poetic world. The social unrest in Hong Kong stimulates reflections on the balance of power and preservation of personal sanctuary. 


I believe that everyone is unique and it’s just the society that educates us to think otherwise. If everyone can preserve their own sanctuary, their power can be tremendous! This sanctuary can be a belief, a place, a lifestyle, a principle to be held fast to, a one-and-only... A precious sanctuary that will never be breached no matter what.


It is a 30 minutes work, and 2014 version. The work itself is a life, it keeps growing !! There is up coming version Heaven Behind the Door 2016 will perform in The internationale tanzmesse nrw Open Studio, which will be held in Düsseldorf, Germany. 


《人間‧獨‧白》如同一齣詩意劇作,舞蹈、文字、光影投射,各種元素被輕巧編織,成為一個光影夢幻空間。這幾年香港的社會動盪刺激了這次創作 :


我深信每個人也很獨特,只是社會從不這樣教育,讓人從不相信。我在假設,若每個人也能保守自己的「淨 土」,那力量將是何其的大! 這片「淨土」可以是一個信念、一個地方、 一種生活方式、一種牢牢的堅持、一個唯一...... 無論發生甚麼事也不會受誘越過的一片寶貴的「淨土」。可是人時而堅強時而脆弱,保守的力量又來自哪裡?這些以及更多的思緒引發了這次的創作。




這是2014年三十分鐘的版本。作品本身就是一種生命,她在繼續成長 ! 最新2016年版本會在 The Internationale Tanzmesse nrw Open Studio,德國杜塞爾多夫舉行演出。

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